Shirley Temple

The late Shirley Temple Black debunked mocktail lore about the origins of “her” drink decades before she crossed over. ‘Nough said. Also not worth bickering about, the status of the Shirley Temple.

Falling somewhere between the first-ever and the world’s most famous mocktail, today’s youth still carry the torch of adoration for the drink, like this 9 y.o. who’s been on IG for nearly four years rating the spirit-free bev as if he were a little sommelier.

Surprisingly, making Shirls at home was a first for me. I never even made them dirty with rum or vodka when I was drinking. But I don’t see this as a loss considering the many ways to mix these PG.

This week we tried two of a few versions, namely the original with ginger ale and an alternative with lemon-lime soda. I stuck with the same recipe for both.

I used the grenadine I made last week. It was so good on its own (Don’t judge.) that I ended up freezing some into ice cubes and throwing one in each glass after learning about cocktail flavor bombs online.

Shirley Temple from Difford’s Guide

  • Grenadine/pomegranate syrup
  • Lemon juice
  • Ginger ale

Equipment: bar spoon

GJ: The grenadine. Yum. The one with lemon-lime soda is more lemon-y, but I like the spiced flavor of the ginger ale one better. Loved the gradient layers of the colors.
Another round? Yes please. One of each and make ‘em daily. But next time with DIY ginger ale and DIY lemon-lime soda.