Chocolate Craves


I was so proud of myself while reading the ingredients for the Chocolate Crave. I instantly connected them to those in Jerry Thomas' Milk and Seltzer sans chocolate.

Announcing this week’s mocktail to GJ, he decided the Chocolate Crave was just a Yoo-hoo knockoff. Neither of us having grown up on the stuff, we somehow imagined Yoo-hoo being fizzy. It’s not.

I was also under the impression that Yoo-hoo was vegan. It’s not, but neither am I…anymore (I know, boooo!). So, I got some Yoo-hoo to add to our Chocolate Crave taste test.

Oh yeah. I mixed a Choco-soy Crave, a Choco-almond Crave, and a Yoo-hoo Crave.

Not needing a nearly full bottle of chocolate syrup calling my name in the middle of the night after making these bevs, I went digging for a recipe to make in a smaller amount.

I’d planned on Martha Holmberg's Rich Dark Chocolate Sauce until I came across a chocolate glaze in a cupcake recipe from Post Punk Kitchen with the same mylk and chocolate measurements.

Remember when non-dairy “milk” was spelled “mylk” and “women” was “womyn”?

Simplicity won. But were any of my Chocolate Craves going to kick Yoo-hoo or the Yoo-hoo Crave to the curb?

Chocolate Crave from Alyssa Gusenoff’s Margarita Mama

  • Milk
  • Chocolate syrup (See below.)
  • Seltzer water

Equipment: bar spoon

Yoo-hoo Crave by Bae

  • Yoo-hoo
  • Selzter water

Equipment: bar spoon

Chocolate Glaze from Post Punk Kitchen

  • Almond mylk (I used oat mylk.)
  • Bittersweet chocolate(I used an 85% cacao bar.)
  • Maple syrup

Equipment: sauce pan, whisk, container, funnel (optional)

Me: The Choco-soy Crave triggered the sour buds on my tongue as if, and there were hints of soy in the aftertaste. Not fizzy but not smooth like an uncarbonated drink. I couldn’t taste the Choco-almond one until it hit the back of my tongue. The chocolate flavor was barely there compared to the Choco-soy. It was watery with a bit of carbonation but there was a creaminess that the Choco-soy didn’t have. The Yoo-hoo Crave was more sweet than chocolatey, and it was more carbonated.

GJ: The chocolate syrup was really good on its own. Really rich. Yoo-hoo on its own is better than chocolate milk. Each mylk Crave had kind of a sour taste but not a bad kind of sour. They weren’t really sweet. The Choco-almond had a slight nuttiness in its balance between soda and mylk. The Choco-soy had a neutral taste. There was a weird aftertaste in the Yoo-hoo Crave. It was sweeter, and I liked that. The Yoo-hoo Crave was how I pictured original Yoo-hoo tasting before I learned it was never carbonated. But the chocolate taste wasn’t as pronounced as it was in the mylk Craves. I don’t know if the sweetness was enough to make the Yoo-hoo Crave better.

Another Round: None of these belong on the Wall of No, but....GJ will take the Choco-almond Crave monthly and the other two Craves on special occasions. I’ll take any one of the three on special occasions only.