One concoction I have never tried is the Orange Julius. In Good Drinks, The Bicycle Gang is said to have been inspired by this California original. I googled the Orange Julius original recipe to compare the ingredients.
What surprised me was that the egg whites in the Orange Julius aren’t in The Bicycle Gang. Egg whites are no strangers to cocktails. So, while I already had an idea about the taste of this upscaled classic, I definitely went into this experience curious about its frothiness and mouthfeel.
The Bicycle Gang from Julia Bain’s Good Drinks
- Orange juice
- Heavy whipping cream
- Simple syrup (I just used sugar. Don’t judge.)
- Soda water
- Orange garnish
Equipment: cocktail shaker, paring knife or peeler
Guest Judge: X: “Mmmm”. Very tangy, sour, and creamy top. Same with the liquid, but it was really carbonated. Making it sweeter would be a plus.
Another round? Absolutely. A weekly for GJ and a monthly for me.